NAIPO Travels To Central Europe!
NAIPO is not only a well-known massager brand in China and the United States. In recent years, we have grown our footprint all over the world, and we have found special success on the continent of Europe. As part of our efforts to help customers everywhere “Find Well-being,” NAIPO representatives recently completed a three-city tour in Central Europe. Our employees talked to wholesale buyers as well as consumers in Hamburg, Prague, and Zurich.
Shoppers from across Europe know Hamburg as a popular shopping destination, and those who visit Hamburg know NAIPO. For years, we have had a considerable presence in Germany’s second-largest city, including an eye-popping advertisement along the city’s bus route.
Our biggest contribution to the experience of the Hamburg shopper, however, is our NAIPO Relaxation Lounge. In this storefront full of massagers, shoppers can take a break and enjoy a 10-minute rest using our latest massage chair technology. While in Hamburg, NAIPO representatives took advantage of the opportunity to talk to these massage chair testers, providing us with an in-the-moment look at our users “finding well-being.”
In Prague, NAIPO spent the majority of the meeting with B2B partners, shoring up relationships, and developing future campaigns. We are proud of our sales through the Czech Republic’s shopping platform, and we are looking forward to a planned Q4 push in one of the nation’s largest electronic chains.
After a lot of business development in Germany and the Czech Republic, our employees spent most of the time in Zurich and Lucerne on a listening tour. NAIPO’s presence in Switzerland is still in its infancy, so we performed market research to determine how best to expand and match the success we have had in nearby countries. Considering the welcome our products have received in other Central European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia, as well as in other German-speaking ones like Germany, we are confident in our ability to help the Swiss people find the well-being they are looking for.