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As the security of your privacy is important to us, the personal info you submitted would only be used for product & service improvement of NAIPO, and it would not be shared to the third party.
01.What is your gender?
02.How old are you?
03.What is your marital status?
04.What is your annual household income?
05.Please describe your work:
06.What are your hobbies? (Up to 2 selections)
07.Which of the following is important to you when considering whether to buy a product? (Up to 2 selections)
08.Which vehicle brand do you prefer?
09.Which of the following do you think of as the primary benefit of a massage? (Up to 2 selections)
10.Which body part do you think is most often in need of a massage?
11.Generally speaking, when will you use a massager?
12.Do you have other suggestions for NAIPO?
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We promise to take your feedback into consideration so we can deliver an even more amazing product in near future.